Tuesday, December 5, 2017

About Time

Okay, you may all think I'm really a slacker, but I finally feel like I have a moment to breathe! We had lots of visitors during the whole month of November. Followed up with lots of sickness. So now, I'm finding time to actually post.

I wanted to do the month-long challenge at the corresponding time, but evidently, that wasn't in the Lord's plans. I have been harboring feelings of guilt about this lately (among other things as well) and I've been coming down with a bout of depression.

Tonight, when I thought all was lost (in terms of hours in the day to achieve something worthwhile), I decided to work on yet one more task at hand. Our cub scout den is trying to make plans to go to a location to receive a tour for one of their required achievements. I thought, I'll just call this place tomorrow. "Naw," the prompting said, "do it now. It's after hours, but maybe you can get an idea of what hours they operate." "Alright," says I, "my self-view can't fall much lower tonight..."

So I call...

And the voicemail is hilarious!  I recited it to my husband and we BOTH had a laugh.

What a relief to know that someone else knows what I'm going through, and after having this experience, my spirits were elevated! I could go back and be a better mom and wife to my family tonight.

I know, SayGoBeDo's aren't necessarily supposed to be about us. And maybe mine wasn't. After all, this uplifted soul helped those around me more tonight.

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