Friday, January 12, 2018

SayGoBeDos ROCK!

Okay, ladies. I know I haven't been blogging about it, but the Saygobedo challenge is changing my life! This past week has been amazing!!!!

Last Saturday, I was about to have a breakdown with all that I had on my plate. Junior Program needed help and I was not nearly prepared enough for my first Shakespeare class, the first board meeting of the semester or the JR character lesson. Much less make sure my own kids had a good home school week!

But I reached out to my husband for support (broke down crying to him) and he hugged me. He really tried to comfort me and tell me it was going to be okay. I sobered up and started praying and listening for saygobedos.

They came. I followed. I delegated. I simplified. I prioritized. I felt peace. It was nothing short of a miracle for me. It was evidence of absolute unmistakable growth.

My first Shakespeare class was awesome! I let some things fell through the cracks for our first day but it was no biggie.

All of Jan 11 was seriously a miracle. It was one saygobedo after another. I was truly relying on God, having total faith that he would inspire me, and that he would make up for my lack. He so did!! At times, it was as though I was outside myself, amazed at what I was seeing happen. I felt different. I didn't feel that old need for the reassuring presence of my own scripted notes (or at least not as much). I AM LEARNING HOW TO THINK! I was thinking on my feet for that day of Commonwealth. I was feeling what I needed to say. I remembered something Rachel DeMille said – that when she could see that something was coming that she must do that there was no possible way for her to have enough time to prepare adequately for it, she knew that God was about to work a miracle and she would need to live by faith. That so came true for me! Personal and family trials demanded my attention in the moments I'd planned to use preparing during the week before. I'd done all that I reasonably could have. And He saved me. He gave me the rest.

I realized that living this way - thinking on my feet and not pre-planning every word or relying so much on scripts - will allow me to hear saygobedos as they come! It opens the windows for insight to come, for me to listen to others better and allow their comments and what is happening to be assimilated into my processing in the moment so I can respond more appropriately and not have to stumble and then wait till later to realize what I should have said. There were some moments like that, too, and I did realize later some things I should have done differently. But it was all part of the growing process. I fixed what I could. I made notes about what I would change. I rejoiced in the victories. I even shifted gears back into family mode when I got home. I am so incredibly grateful for God, LEMI, the scholarship ladders, the other moms at SCS and the Saygobedo challenge. They are saving my life!